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The endless days and nights of Quarantine, 2020.(photos: Suzanne DeFiore)

I. Can’t. Breathe.  We all said it in 2020, one way or another. So said George Floyd, in the most devastating moment. So said the intubated Covid patients before passing into the hereafter. So said the millions of people trapped in their homes, trying to live together without driving each other nuts. And indeed, so said all of the world, as we watched an unhinged maniacal bigot on the daily; sucking all of the oxygen out of our lives, running our country into the dirt, so far underground there was never any chance to breathe. 

No, Chad is not trying to hit me over the head with a frying pan. We are banging on things for the nightly 7:00pm neighborhood claps for frontline workers..

And yet finally, a chance to come up for air. A new year, a new president, a new vaccine, at least a little new hope. No more carnival barking, no more horned-headed white supremacists, no more vampiric lawyers sweating, leaking and farting on live television. Oh sure, they’ll be back, but for one brief shining moment there is air. And how refreshing to know that we are all survivors. We are all warriors, tougher than we ever thought we were. I know I am a warrior now, if I’m recalling last March, as I lay there watching my partner hack his lungs out with Covid, his 103 degree fever spiking by the minute, with his heavy breathing.

Our little life-saver, Ruby, rescued a month before the pandemic hit. Thank GAWD!

I honestly thought he would end up on the floor of the Javitz Center, waiting for a bed, and that there was a chance I wouldn’t even be able to say goodbye. But The Force was with us. He slowly recovered, and I was asymptomatic as it turns out. The ensuing months surprisingly ended up largely productive for me, considering I couldn’t be a rat running through the maze of New York City as per usual. Isolation was both a motivator and a distraction from the grim realities projectile vomiting at us via the 24 hour news cycle.  I’ll start with what I didn’t get to do in 2020 first, so I can afterwards revel in any forward movements, artistically or career-wise.


As many people may know, I come across as a horrible Instagram and Facebook…how did a friend put it…”Facebragger”. At first I was horrified to absorb this, but soon realized there is nothing I can do about it. I travel and I love it. And I don’t post most of my own pics, my travel group tags me so I have no choice but to be a Facebragger. People ask me: how do you go so many places in a year? Well, I am beyond not a rich person. However, my partner and I ARE highly resourceful.

We and our friends formed a travel group with about 10-12 of some most awesome friends/couples we know. With that many people pitching in, it becomes not only somewhat cheaper, but possible to rent a large villa in Tuscany, or a sprawling chateau in France. I know. If you haven’t already, you can see how those photos would be completely annoying AF on social media. The following is a sample of said annoying photos. Please enjoy, you’re welcome!

Playa Mujers Resort, Cancun, Mexico.

Look who I found! Louvre Museum, Paris, France.

Getting all Agatha Christie at the legendary Pera Palace Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey.

Yeah, I know. It’s cray. Even I am rolling my eyes at myself as I write this. But you know what, YOLO! I miss my travel family so much it hurts. Some day very soon I hope to be back at the airport, tingling with anticipation for whatever destination, and yes, with my #annoying #obnoxious #facebragger #pics! Just one more, then I’m done, promise.

Paros Island, Greece.

Okay that’s all. Enough vacation, back to the evil plague and the projects that saved me from jumping out of the window!


Ah yes, the sordid topic of The Theatre. Zoom readings, Zoom meetings, the concerted effort to maintain theatrical creativity through the miraculous technical advent(and advent calendar looking)thing we call Zoom. No really, what would we have done 20 years ago? Leave dozens of messages on each other’s answering machines? I’m thinking maybe it’s a good idea to take a moment and be grateful for the ability to carry on, albeit in little Brady Bunch boxes.

After an amazing, fruitful and educational workshop in 2019 of my musical Stepchild at IRT Theater, we were one of the shows gaining momentum right before Covid hit us. Luckily, associate artistic director, the fabulous Miss May Adrales (at the fantastic Milwaukee Rep) offered us an opportunity to continue our work with a video project. It is a song from the show, a duet called “Body and Soul”, and it was an amazing and challenging experience. Two singers(The wonderful Nicole Vande Zande and myself) two actors (the brilliant duo Amelia Hensley and Dickie Hearts) and a director (the sensational Josh Castille) all working from their own homes, being their own technicians and lighting, costume and everything designers, and making it work. I am so proud of this crew and what they did!

'Body and Soul' from the musical "Stepchild" | Our Home to Your Home at Milwaukee Rep

And as usual, more re-writes of the libretto, some songs cut, some new ones composed. Quarantine Time spent creatively as much as possible, and it literally saved me and preserved my sanity, as I know it has done for so many artists out there(not gonna lie, Lexipro also helped, just sayin’).

Additionally, I worked diligently on the opera I have been collaborating on(as the composer), since 2015. The working title is The Medusa Project. A radical retelling of the classic Greek myth, it is a through sung musical piece in the vein of “Jesus Christ Superstar”. Conceived by Chad Kessler, my collaborators are the great director Rachel Klein and the artful lyricist Erik Ransom (Erik also has composed and written lyrics for several of his own musicals, notably the award-winning Grindr:The Opera)

Erik Ransom, actor, composer, lyricist, provocateur…

The Marvelous Miss Rachel Klein, director extraordinaire…

And what a joy/challenge to virtually record demos. The Divas who keep making it easy and fun are none other than the glorious Miss Badia Farha ,the astounding Miss Ashanti J’Aria, and the Lady Miss Grace Stockdale. Thank you so much, so great to work with you immense talents!

So much more to come soon on this exciting new work in progress!


I forgot how much I love remixing! It’s part of my life I hadn’t explored in years, since it became increasingly difficult/impossible to make any coin. “Alexa! Play all my favorite music for free without any compensation for the musicians involved! Theenx!” Yet and still, I was happy to get together with my old pal and bestie Randy Bettis, the other half of my old remix duo, BetBoyz. And even better to re-unite with Ubertalent, Grammy-nominated NYC nightlife superstar, Marty Thomas! His mashup of “I Am What I Am” from the musical “La Cage Aux Folles” with Christina Aguilera’s “Beautiful” might seem an unlikely pairing at first. But this ended up being one of the best remixes I have ever done, and another Covid triumph. The remix is soon to be released, and hopefully I’ll get to hear it on a dance floor(remember those?) soon!

Marty Thomas’ album cover for “Slow Dancing With A Boy”.


“George Nordstrom: Overtalker” (L-R) Tina Chilip, Chad Kessler and Jackie Tohn

I have also had a blast this year composing all the music for the mini -miniseries "George Nordstrom: Overtalker." Created by award winning writer Lynn Rosen (Darwin) this comedy is  about a lovable misfit suffering from the clinical condition of logorrhea (compulsive overtalking).  In the throes of the pandemic and all alone in his tiny Queens apartment  George has no one to talk at, so he must brave the virtual world…online dating, Facebook Live, confronting old flames, as he tries not to lose his sh*t during his isolation.

Each bite sized episode ( 5-8 minutes) is directed by nationally acclaimed director Meredith McDonough and stars Chad Kessler (the Emmy nominated "Tainted Dreams", "The Big Gay Italian" Trilogy) as George with Tina Chilip (Jessica Jones, Elementary), Dede Lovejoy (The Blacklist, The Wire) and Jackie Tohn (Netflix's GLOW and Best Leftovers Ever)  as those attempting to help George find a quiet moment. And  I may even make a cameo..... 


A shining star left us this last year. My dear friend Michael Harris passed away in february just before quarantine. That was hard to write. I have known Michael for so long. I am only just glad we got to lay him to rest before people couldn’t have the privilege of saying goodbye properly at a funeral service. Talented actor, singer, dancer and hilarious, generous loving guy is how he will always be remembered. I imagine him laughing when I look up at the sky and say “Girl, you in a better place. You would have hated Miss Corona more than anyone…” Michael we love you, you live in our hearts, always.

Ari Gold lives in our hearts not only for his music, his spirit and trailblazing artistry, but also for his brave and valiant fight with cancer. Too young to go at the age of 47, I had the honor of working with him on his track “Where the Music Takes You”. The first openly Gay pop star and multiple Billboard Dance chart-topping artist, he is and will remain an iconic staple of New York City nightlife. He was real cute and real sweet too. Ari, the music took you away from us, but your soul is alive and well in so many you have touched. And he would have loved and appreciated the fact that he was honored at this year’s Grammy Awards. Rest easy, beautiful soul.


May Adrales

Congratulations to my dear friend May Adrales on her new gig as Artistic Director for the Lark Play Development Center. She has worked so hard for this, and I am so proud of her always. Her first panel was a powerful discussion with many Asian actors and theatre community allies, enabling all to let our emotions go and discuss the tragic recent events in Atlanta in a safe, non-judgmental space. Powerful and educational, it marked a brilliant continuation of her compassionate and introspective leadership. Rest assured, the Lark and the world of theatre is going to be in good hands!

Stop Asian Hate.


And so it goes. So much to reflect upon, so much to ponder for the future. The trick is to stay in the present, I think. Breathe in the life of every moment you can. Besides, as people always say, after the plague came the Renaissance. And after the next plague came the Jazz Age. And when this is over, you best believe I will be posting the most annoying #facebragger photos possible. Peace and love, and thank you for reading.:)

Love always, djb